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  • What is the CMI Virtual Tutoring?
    Tutoring elementary school students to keep them motivated and help with thier academics, by providing one-on-one tutoring.
  • Where do I sign up?
    Click the " Student Sign Up" button . This will take you to a form with a list of all of the advailable subjects.
  • Is there any cost for this programming?
    Everything offered with the Virtual Tutoring is completely free!
  • What is the deadline to sign my child up for a session?
    You are able to sign your student up for an session until the night before the activity is scheduled to start. We prefer that you try to sign up for the activity the night before to ensure that the correct Zoom information is sent.
  • Can a child sign up for multiple activities a day?
    Yes! A child can sign up for as many activities as they want!
  • Who are the tutors?
    Individuals whom has undergone an application process and orientation to ensure we can provide quality, educational.
  • What is the process to become a tutors?
    Submit an application through the Form on our "Volunteer" page. You will be informed of the decision of your acceptance or rejection on Sept 12th for this round of applications.
  • How does our programming work?
    At present time we offer Tuesday, Thursday and Satuday tutoring sessions in English, Math, and History. We do intend to add to the days offer as needed. (excluding holidays).
  • What measures are taken to ensure the safety of my child during these sessions?
    All of our live sessions are taught by volunteers who have experience working with kids and have high-achieving academic and community service qualifications. Before the session, parents give their digital signature with a consent form to allow for the use of cameras and microphone, in order to ensure the safety of both our students and tutors. None of the sessions are recorded (so there is not a privacy issue).
  • How can I sign up my child for a session?
    Go on the Tutor Sessions page of our website and submit which dates and times your child will be attending sessions. After filling out the attached form, you will be sent a link. Please sign up your children for sessions at least the night before each session is scheduled.
  • How do the tutoring sessions work?
    Students arrive to the Zoom online platform and are placed in a "waiting room." Based on the type of help that they need, in the chat, they are paired with a tutor in a "break out room."
  • Can someone outside of Cobb County attend the sessions or be a tutor?
    Yes! While all of our sessions are hosted on Eastern Central Time, as long as you are aware of that, you can still participate as a student or tutor.
  • When does the one-on-one tutoring start?
    The live sessions officially launch on (tba) after months of hard work and dedication!
  • Where are sessions held?
    Sessions will be held through Zoom. Parents will receive the login information 2 hours prior to the session for each session they sign up for.
  • How will my student join the for the sessions?
    Two hours prior to the activity your child is signed up for, emails will be sent containing links for the corresponding online meetings.
  • What are the newsletters about?
    The newsletters will contain information about the upcoming events, including new activities.

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